Monday, February 21, 2005
:: Prince Charming ::

There he is! He is looking ever so divinely handsome, charming and cute! Dig the lustrious hair and my, what a nice sporty physique. Ah well, the result of years working out at the gym. During my teens, when the question on
How would you like your ideal guy to look like? is being posed, the answer is always almost rather standard: Tall, Dark and Handsome. But, right back then, it doesn't seem to be a senseless thing to say. Hmm, perhaps a little too much of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales? But he, he is all of that -- tall, dark and handsome. Yes, seriously! He fulfills these 3 criterias, and honestly I have not met or seen anyone like that for the longest time. It just seems too good to be true!
Our eyes met for the first time. He smiled. I trembled a bit there. Luckily, I did not say or do anything foolish. Keeping my mouth shut and smiling back is always the best getaway! Hah! What a coward, you may think.

I think so too! The smile coming from him was only a form of friendly gesture. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyway, guys like that is hardly ever single. Most of them are happily and blissfully married. So, there goes another prince charming happily married and living happily ever after. He's just merely an object of admiration from afar, and the infatuation faded soon after.
A gal pal of mine had just came back from overseas for the lunar new year holidays. Of the years she spent there, she remained single. Curiosity hits me and and I just had to ask.
"I can't believe you're still single after all these years. The guys there doesn't meet your 5Cs list or you've added more Cs that they couldn't keep up with?"
I'm pretty sure that there are guys going after her there. I've seen guys queuing up to ask her out during our high school years. Yes, she's one of the pretty and popular girls and no guy would resist taking a second glance at such beauty. She was giggling at my humorous statement.
"This is the sad thing. I don't think I'm being too choosy but most of the good-looking, successful guys are usually taken or gays!"

This is not the first time I have heard of such remarks. Another gal friend who's been staying in overseas told me the exact same thing. My oh my, we're short of guys! Good, dependable guys! You know, the whole package... but then again, nobody's perfect! A friend once told me, "Nevertheless, we've to keep believing that there's somebody out there for us, be it late than never." Hmm, but how can we even be sure that there's somebody out there for us? Even if there is, how long have we got to wait? "It's keeping the faith, my dear", she said. It almost sounded like we're desperate for a soul mate. Personally, I find this rather foolish and disturbing in a way. I do not want to live a life waiting for the right person to come along but rather to live a life enjoying God's beautiful creations and making use of the gifts He's given me to do His work along this journey of life. Perhaps, eventually our soul mate would come along unexpectedly as a bonus?
Labels: Musings
posted by therese ::
1:15 AM ::

Sunday, February 20, 2005
:: Care for a puff, anyone? ::
I was at this kopitiam sometime ago with a friend. We were happily chatting away while sipping a nice cup of Teh-C after a tasty bowl of Kolomee ~ (yummy!). However, the conversation was interrupted when the stinking smell of burnt tobacco passed by our nostrils. Urrghhh!~ What's worst next was that the wind was blowing towards our direction. Three men, in their mid-thirties or so were sitting in the next adjacent table proudly puffing away... inconsiderately! Yes, inconsiderately! And I stressed that again - inconsiderately endangering other people's health! Hey, some of us are trying to breath here, ok? Sure, we are living in a world where the air is polluted with free-radicals, but some of us here are trying live a healthier life by avoiding what we obviously know is hazardous. Breathing secondhand smoke can be extremely harmful in the long run. After all, prevention is better than cure.
In a typical kopitiam, there are no zones divided as "Smoking" or "Non-Smoking". So, customers are entitled to sit wherever they want. But surely, this is not a good enough excuse for smokers to be inconsiderate when non-smokers are around? Perhaps they can take the liberty to lower the cigarette in their hand down to the ground -- this would be a HUGE favor to our poor nostrils; at least when the wind blows the smoke doesn't blow directly to our faces and not to mention turning our clothes to smell awfully smoky. Bluehkk!~
As for air-conditioned places, be it cafes, restaurants or even offices, is there really any distinction between "Smoking" or "Non-smoking" zones? Many times when we walk into a typical air-conditioned cafe or restaurant, we will see signs marking the zone as smoking or non-smoking and most of these places are not being divided properly -- no special room for the non-smoking zone. So, what difference does it make when the air-conditioner is running and the two supposedly different zones are sharing the same air? Even with air filters, the smoky air is circulating around both zones and everybody is inhaling smoke!~ Healthy, huh?
Smoking is definitely a choice of unhealthy addiction, not to mention a selfish act -- indirectly causing harm to other's health and oneself -- causing anxiety to the family members or people who cares about the smoker's health. And what about the utter wastage of money? At present, they spend a huge amount of money on who knows how many packs of cigarettes daily. But have they ever thought that on one fine day, they would be spending a huge amount of money on medications as a consequence to this hard-to-kick habit. Sigh!~ I can never understand what the smokers are thinking when they are puffing happily away. Don't they realise that they are posing danger to themselves as much as the people around?
Smoking in the office is another huge issue. Some people just never learn that air-conditioned rooms are non-smoking zone! Isn't this common sense? Naturally, an office is fully air-conditioned except maybe for its pantries and washrooms. But puffing in pantries and washrooms is definitely a NO NO! Oh please! We also need to breath there. Please go somewhere where non-smokers wouldn't go or perhaps a designated area, be it outside of the office building. Sad to say, the offence is usually committed by those big shots -- causing other staff (smokers) to act by example. So, where is this all leading? Is there no hope for a smoke-free world?
Labels: Musings
posted by therese ::
1:05 PM ::

Friday, February 04, 2005
:: Listen ::

The Heart Listens In Serenity.
Have we all really been listening?Labels: Food for Thought
>>> see related entry <<<
posted by therese ::
10:03 AM ::

:: Go M.A.D. (Make A Difference) ::
One more time,
Live Life,
Make A Difference,
Touch One Heart,
Encourage One Mind &
Inspire One Soul.
Labels: Food for Thought
posted by therese ::
9:43 AM ::