Saturday, December 31, 2005
:: Taukeh Neo Talk ::

Care to sing along with me this familiar tune from the Nursery Rhymes collection entitled
Rain rain go away?
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Lady Therese desperately needs her car washed;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!
Argghh! I can't stand it any longer. It has been going on for 2 whole weeks! It rains for a while then the Sun comes out, then it rains again and the Sun comes out again. This cycle of the rain and the Sun playing hide and seek has not been kind to the laundry and cars. My car has been covered with a thick layer of dirt for 2 whole weeks! Two whole weeks! Ewwww! I am even digusted by the thought of it myself. Today, I have decided to get my car washed, be it rain or shine. The dirt has to go, no matter what!

When I arrived at my regular car wash shop, there were already a few cars being washed, vacuum and polished. I left my car in the washing area and walked into the waiting area. There was a lady (Lady A) seated at the counter doing some paperwork and punching numbers on the calculator. Another lady (Lady B), a customer like myself was seated opposite Lady A, reading newspapers that was placed on the little round table next to her. I was standing looking around at the surroundings when I overheard their little conversation. I did not eavesdrop on purpose but they were talking so loud that it had became a piece publicly available conversation. Both ladies looked like they were in their mid 30s. I heard them introducing themselves to each other and got acquainted very quickly. From their conversation, I gathered that Lady A is the shop's administration clerk whilst Lady B is the
taukeh neo (lady boss) of a local hardware shop. Lady B conversed with such aggresiveness, frankness and arrogance - the usual trait of a rich man's wife.
Their conversation started off with casual talks; asking each other's doing, marital status, family, children and plans for the day since it's New Year's eve. What striked me most here was the boldness of revealing such detailed information to a stranger that one had just met. They were engaging in a conversation that any daughter-in-law would be at least once in their lifetime:
my mother-in-law. 
Lady B was actually complaining about her mother-in-law to Lady A. Her mother-in-law, coming from a conservative chinese background has the mindset that a woman should know how to cook, clean and sew; the basics of becoming a
perfect wife. Lady B, a modern wife however felt that these should not be the primary concerns.
"She's always asking me if I sew clothes for her son", Lady B complaint to Lady A.
"Just because her daughter knows how to sew, she expects me to know and sew clothes for her son!", added Lady B.
"Perhaps, she's just looking into her son's best interest", Lady A replied.
"Everytime she said that, I'd very much like to tell her if it is more important for me to help her son make more money or sew clothes for him. With the money that I helped him to make, I can afford buy all the clothes he wants and there's not even the need to sew. Don't you agree?", Lady A continued to lament.
She would keep on and on about how unfair her mother-in-law is, always comparing her to her own daughter. "Oh well, luckily we have a place of our own otherwise it would be difficult and the situation may get ugly". Lady A, who has been listening attentively at Lady B just smiled at that last comment.
I would say that Lady B was indeed very bold, talking and complaining about her in-law to a stranger she had only just met. It would be a disaster if the someone who knew the family (especially her in-laws), overheard their conversation and then words got out! I would still think that it is best not to wash our own dirty linen in public -
Prevention is Better than War.
Then I heard the man said "Your car's done, Miss". Oh, my car's done! All clean and shiny. Eeks! But, what do you know? As I was getting into the car, it started to rain again! Darn! *Arrggh!*

I can almost hear my car sing
Rhythm of the Falling Rain.
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,
Telling me just what dirt I'm soon to be covered.
I wish that it would go and let me be in vain,
And let me be clean again.
Labels: Musings, Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
11:51 AM ::

Friday, December 30, 2005
:: *Honk*~fully Yours ::
Yaay! I was granted leave today. But, it turned out that I hadn't gotten as much rest as I had planned to. I slept at about one this morning. *sigh!* My day was supposed to start at 6:30, heading to the local wet market with Dad to get some
三层肉 ('san chen rou' which refers to one of the parts of pork) for my potluck tomorrow evening and replenished the stock of chicken necks for my dog. Alas, the alarm did not do any good. Perhaps, I was too immuned to its ringing tone and just slept through the sound. Dad did not wake me nor my sister from our slumber, and he ended up asking my brother to drive him to work. Sorry, Dad! I know we're too pigged out.

Anyway, my sleep wasn't that peaceful at all; was disrupted several times by annoying phone calls. *urggh!*
Shay and I made plans to shop for some fresh chicken wings at the local supermarket near her place. Unfortunately, there weren't any at our first stop. Hence, we drove to another one nearby. Yes! They have fresh chicken wings! We bought some 20 pieces and 2 pieces of boneless chicken meat. Our shopping's done! *whew* Now, we could get on to our next agenda for the evening - DINNER! All the shopping, looking at yummy food stuff were making us hungry! I got myself a few packs of junk food before leaving though. Oh well, there goes the saying - "Never go shopping at the supermarket on an empty stomach".

When we got to the place where our car was, we noticed that there was a car parking directly behind it. We thought that we would buy some time by putting the stuff that we bought and rearranging them properly in the car boot, and then perhaps the owner of the car would take notice of us and come around to move the vehicle. But, there was still no sign of anyone walking towards the car. Besides the point that we were both very hungry at the time, but still there should not be any blocking of another individual's vehicle unless of course there is a driver seated inside the vehicle. I have always use the car's honk with extreme caution. It is loud and rude. Honking is bad but at times like these, that's when it comes in handy. One.. two.. three! HONK!~~~~~ A continuous honk was sounded for 5 whole seconds. I can see that patronizers outside the supermarket were looking towards my direction and yet, there was still no sign of anyone walking towards the vehicle. Fine! Again, I pressed the honk continuosly for 5 seconds another two times. Then finally, finally we saw a guy, perhaps in his 30s coming out from a bakery shop with a startled expression, with his hands gesturing apologetically at us. Oh well, at least he had the decency to apologize.
As I was on my way to the supermarket a while ago, and my car was stationary at the traffic light stop, a car tried to squeeze its way through between the my car and the road pavement. Both vehicles' side-mirrors were just merely a centimetre away and he's still not giving up - still going forward! There was no way I could move my car in any direction to let him past through. It was unquestionably, unthinkably, ridiculously so close that I was getting ready to *HONK!* at this
摸明奇妙 ('mo ming qi miau' which means ridiculously unreasonable) driver when suddenly he pulled his reverse gear. Oh my gosh! He reversed his car! Erm, I mean, well okay, that was probably the only move he could think of to keep both vehicles' side-mirrors in one piece. Nevertheless, he could have prevented this little "commotion" had he been a little patient waiting for other vehicles to move first. The worst thing is, when the the traffic light turned green, and what do you know? He was going the same way as everybody else, not to the opposite direction as I initially thought he intended to since he tried overtaking me back there. Oh well, a classic example of some reckless drivers sticking the "P" sticker (applicable only to new drivers on probation) on their vehicles. Thank God my side-mirror's still in tact! *whew!*
There was this other time when I parked my car by the side of the lane leading to the main entrance of the still-renovating airport. I was waiting for my friend's cue to call on my mobile phone to drive up towards the main entrance to pick her and her husband from their short trip to Penang. As I sms-ing away inside, I heard a loud "tut". When I looked up, a red Toyota Celica drove fiercely away passing the main entrance, towards the exit point. The first thought that came to my mind was - "Oh no! My car's been hit!" My immediate response was to look at my side-mirror to check for any dented areas on the doors. My cousin
Valerian who was sitting beside me called out to me "Check your side-mirror! Check your side-mirror!" I quickly got out of the car and check the driver's side side-mirror. There were visible scratches at the side of the side-mirror and there were bits of red paint. I was able to remove the bits of red paint by simply scratching them off with my fingers. When I got home, I tried polishing it with the car polishing wax on the affected area. Tada! It worked like magic! No more scratches! *whew* The red car was actually trying to squeeze in between another vehicle and mine. Gosh! Whatever happen to exhibiting some courtesy and politeness towards one another, fellow drivers?

Labels: Musings, Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
11:50 PM ::

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
:: Bless The Broken Road ::
The following lyrics are taken from the song "Bless The Broken Road" sung by Rascal Flatts. This is one song that I find so ever meaningful and I'd like to share it with you all for your easy listening pleasure.I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I’m just rollin’ home into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.
Labels: Music
posted by therese ::
8:13 PM ::

:: What's the food deal? ::
"I doubt you'll be able to finish that",
Shay commented on the huge bowl of
Sour and Spicy Tang Hoon that I was having.
I gave her the playful sinister smile and said, "You wanna bet?"
She paused for a while before answering, "Okay!"
A week ago, Shay and I were having lunch at this local food joint serving Taiwanese-styled cuisine. Though I had always been known for having only a handful amount of food, little did she had any clue that I was really in for more than usual that day.
"So, what's in it for me if I win?", I asked.
"Anything..", she said.
"Anything? You sure about that?", I said smiling.
"Err.. yes, anything", she muttered with uncertainty, fearing for what I might have in store for her.
"Well, I shall order a bowl of soup of my choice and you must finish every bit of it", I said.
"Fine! But you must finish yours to the very last bit", she said.
"Fine! Hey, I'm finishing mine soon. Let's order the soup now", I said as I smiled cheekily at her.
Both of us let out a laugh for a while there before we waved for the waitress to add another order for a bowl of seaweed soup. I ordered a small bowl of seaweed soup knowing that even with the given definition of "small", the bowl is way too huge to be considered "small". By then, we only had mere half an hour or so before we head back to the office.
"You've always had very little. So, what's with the appetite?", asked Shay.
"I guessed I was just hungry that's all", I answered.
The soup arrived after about ten minutes.
There's no way Shay could've finished this bowl of soup on her own. She pleaded for me to share the soup with her.
Oh well, being a good friend and all I finally gave in. I asked the waitress to give me an empty bowl. I had a fair share on the soup. It was really tasty and moreover, seaweed is good for girls.
Some kind of bet it turned out to be, huh?

Labels: Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
6:20 PM ::

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
:: The Bet ::
Not sure when it started, not sure when it ended either. The rainbow - the symbol of hope and miracle had always been encouraging. But it just wasn't enough. Everytime when hope seems to be near, strangely enough mere disappointment always find its way lurking behind.
Today, I made a deal with Him. I prayed for guidance. I needed to make peace within. I made a deal to continue with hope, but should the outcome be otherwise then I shall not look back. Perhaps it was my imagination, perhaps I was in denial. But, there's this tiny voice whispering within me all day long - "you know it isn't true...".
But, I had lost the bet.
Labels: Musings, Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
10:21 PM ::