Sunday, January 29, 2006
:: Gong Xi Fa Cai ::
Last night's family reunion dinner was great! Excellent culinary by mum and aunt Gertrude. We had the traditionally prepared duck, fried ginger chicken, lots of assorted veges, grilled salmon, 2 types of steamed fish, fried noodles and fried prawns. I have been saving my stomach the whole day for this. I only had breakfast. Sis served vodka lime to everyone while I passed around biscuits and prawn sticks. I had a little too much of vodka lime, and had to lie down for a while.

Thereafter, all of us had a video session via MSN Messenger with the other family members in Singapore. It was a shame that the Singapore side did not have a webcam else both sides could have waved to each other. That'll be so much exciting! Grandpa and grandma were so excited that they could talk to my uncles, aunties, cousins and everybody else over there LIVE! And knowing that the other side can see them excites them so much.

They had never done this before so they were rather impress of what today's technology could offer. My uncle and aunt even asked grandpa for 4D and 6D numbers to bet on during the festive season.

It was only 2 hours to midnight and the fireworks session had already started. It was getting more and more intense as midnight draws near. I can hardly breath in any fresh air - it was extremely smoky outside that we had to shut the windows and doors. When it got to 30 minutes before midnight, the whole family went outside to join in the fun. We could hear and see the fireworks being played on every direction! "Yaaay! We live in a happening neighbourhood!", exclaimed my sister with much delight at the the sight of the beautiful and breathtaking view of fireworks being shoot up into the clear sky. It was a relieved that the weather's great compared to the past few years; though it had never been a good enough reason to stop anyone from
firecracking yet.

I did not see any police cars patrolling around the neighbourhood this year though.
firecracking session was still going on at 1:30 in the morning. I was too worn out and had too much serving of carbon dyoxide for the night. Had only a few hours to sleep before I head on to work. Yes! I had to work on the first of lunar new year.

Triple *sigh*
Gosh! What a night!
A Special Thanks Goes to Milly and Shay for being so sweet and hospitable, and also very uh-sim on being the first 2 person to wish and visit me in the office with assorted biscuits and goodies from home, knowing that I had to work on the first day of the lunar new year and haven't had any breakfast. Thank you so much! Love ya, girls! *Bear HugZz*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone! *HugZz*
Labels: Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
10:59 AM ::

Thursday, January 19, 2006
:: Bittersweet ::
The weather's so unbearable. It's practically scorching out there. But it's definitely great for the laundry.

I had lunch with my 2 long-time lady friends today. It's been a month since we saw each other. Well, the last time we met, yeah, we had lunch too.

It was really nice there having lots of yummy food whilst catching up a bit and there with each other. One of my lady friend announced that she's getting engaged in about a month's time! WoW! That should've happened sooner though.

We congratulated her and her soon-to-be fiancé who was also there.
Congratulations Ralph & Penny! (Sorry! They wanted me to keep mum about it then so I had to disguised it a bit! Congrats again, Ngee Jee & Jackie!) 
The string of good news doesn't stop there. My other lady friend announced that she is preggie for the second time! Double WoW! Double *grin* We congratulated her!

And oh by the way, her first child is my sweet little god-daughter.
Congratulations Alex & Beatrice!Despite all these jolly happy news, earlier today a gal pal of mine told me about her much dreaded rocky relationship with her beau and the heart-breaking decision of ending the near decade-old relationship later tonight.

*sigh* What a mixed feeling day!~
Labels: Snippets of Life
>>> see related entry <<<
posted by therese ::
4:26 PM ::

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
:: Today's Advice ::
A gift from Uncle Sam. It's a fridge magnet

Labels: Food for Thought
posted by therese ::
1:06 AM ::

Sunday, January 01, 2006
:: Feliz Año Nuevo ::
2006 Resolutions:-
One more time,
Live Life,
Make A Difference,
Save more $$,
Touch One Heart,
Encourage One Mind &
Inspire One Soul.
Labels: Musings
posted by therese ::
12:52 PM ::