Goodbye, 2006. Hello, 2007.
Happy New Year, Everyone
! Although it's a belated one, but still in time to wish all you Chinese fellas a very
Happy & Blessed Chinese New Year.
Year 2007 marks the year of the
Golden Fire Pig. Somehow, the term
fire pig reminds me of
烧猪肉 ('
shao zhu rou' which means roasted pork)

I haven't stopped thinking of not feasting ever since Christmas 2006. There always seem to be dinners and functions which involves food for the past 3 months, and it is almost irresistible to reject any when it clashes with another. Well, one can only be in one place at any one time. Cannot be so greedy, ok? after this month is over
Ushering in The New Year 2007. Looking back on new year's eve, a group of close friends and I went for dinner at
The Junk restaurant with a
Dress To Kill theme. As the theme suggests, we shall dress to kill

However, we did not really get to dress extravagantly as expected due to unforeseen circumstances *wink*
"Sorry, okui! We shall be more prepared the next time round yeah!" 
Though the sky whimpered for the end of year 2006, we had a wonderful evening. The ambience at the restaurant was perfect for the evening. It was fully booked, and we were actually half an hour late for our dinner and the restaurant was actually about to call us up on whether we are still coming. We wined and dined, had lots of laughs, did lots of silly acts, said lots of silly things and yes, the evening would not be completed without snaps and snaps of snapshots

Everybody was given a party pack to usher in the new year. The guests at the other tables started unpacking the stuff in the party pack and making unbearable, annoying noises with it. Goodness me, mind you, it was soOo noisy that for a moment, I felt like I was in a chicken barn. ~>.<~
Thereafter, we head back to our hotel room. We had a few drinks and just minutes before the stroke of midnight, we could see stardusts dancing gracefully and beautifully in the skies in various colours and forms. What a marvelous sight! Awesome! What breathtaking view! I don't know why, looking at firework displays always get me stunned and had me feeling that everything will be alright again. I know this sounds lame but such seemingly simple sights are able provide me with a sense of comfort and worry-free feelings. It felt like I was being enveloped by such sense of peace and tranquillity. The recital lasted for about 20 minutes after midnight. I'm glad that we had such a good view of the performance.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
! Happy New Year! 2007 is finally here! Goodbye 2006, it's been a bitter sweet year. We exchanged hugs and wishes for another fruiful year of good health, joy and lasting friendship. During the eve of the Lunar New Year, just 20 minutes before the stroke of midnight, it's such a joy to be able watch beautiful firework displays from all corners of my house. Yes, I'm not kidding. I live in a very happening neighbourhood. Yes, I blogged about this last year too. I just can't help it. I love you fellow neighbours! Keep up the good work, yeah!

What joy! What a blessing to be living amongst them. Yee-haa
Well, it got smoky after a while, but who cares? It rained a little but the firecrackers and firework displays continued. The recital lasted for about an hour or so. In fact, I was woken up the very next morning by firecrackers. Not very fond of it, but I think I can bear with it for the next 2 weeks

During the Lunar New Year break, I had a mini-reunion with my fellow ex-schoolmates from highschool. The Lunar New Year has always been the best time for such event since most of them would be back to celebrate the festival with their family. Some of them haven't seen each other for 11 long years. Yes, it's that long already since we left highschool. Thanks to
Friendster and of course, the blessings from the One Above who eventually got us back together. Voilà
! Here we are, excited to be amongst each other again. Yakity yakity yak
! Curiosity got the better of us and we decided to meet up a few more times to catch up on life and such - we had CNY visitations, pot-luck dinner and casual night outs for old time's sake. We had such a good laugh as we took a trip down memory lane flipping through pages of our highschool year book. "She's what?! Geez.. really? What's she doing now? Where is she now? *Gasp
!* she's married with 2 kids? She's preggie? Who else?"
Yes, perhaps this is a lengthy gossip session but what the heck, it's been 11 years since we last gossiped face-to-face! Yakity yakity yak yak