Oopsy! I've been in hiatus mode for far too long now. Well, lots of things have happened during these past few months.
For start, a friend has moved back to Australia. And I have been busy travelling as well for work and leisure. Not much time spent these days in helping mum with her jewellery business. Thanks so much to Aunt Elaine for her ever support and assistance at times when I needed her.
Oh yea! Good news! Last Saturday after the Novena session at church, a really good friend of mine - Shirley, and her hubby came over to the pew where I was seated with Shay. We have not met for quite sometime now. Her hubby motioned me to the bulletin stand outside. There, the three of us stood there chatting, catching up on life and all. They've just bought a new house recently. They have been house-hunting for quite sometime too. Am very happy for them to have found their dream home at last!~ And that's not all... they announced that they're preggie!! Yippie!! And I'm the first person they told after both families. WoW! I feel so honoured *wide grin* This is their first child! Oooh.. I'm so, so, so excited for them! They have been wanting a child for sometime already. Praise God! Their prayers have finally been answered. Everything just fall into places unexpectedly for them. Well, God surprises us all the time with miracles! And boy, are they glowing! Smiling from ear-to-ear.. HeHe..
Hmm, it's very sad that the people around me seems to be in relationship dilemma, and all these happened almost at the same time. Hey, what's going on here? Can't a relationship between a man and a woman be less complicated as of our forefathers' time? This is absurb! *sigh*
My dearest
Chloe*, Pat* & Deb*, I'm glad all of you have realised that he's not worth your tears after all. Yes, you're entitled to
mourn but not too long. You need to see outside of the box now. Whether you decide to stay on the marriage, know that you will always have my support (*(*(*HUGS*)*)*). Yes, your kids need you more than ever now. I'm very proud of your achievements and look at how strong-willed all of you have become. Girls, you know how to reach me whenever you need someone to hear you out. Take care, my dear friends. Keep in touch!~
Liz*, love is so often experienced at times and places we never expect them to be. Did our hearts wander off or is
Cupid to be blamed? When one is in love, nothing else matters. And hence, the saying -
Love Is Blind. However, take heed my friend that he already belongs to another. A husband to his wife and father to her children. He has even made it clear to you that he would never leave his family. Try looking from another point here. Look at the whole picture. Heartaches and tears are close at hand should you continue with the relationship. Is he really worth all of that? I'd say he's just plain selfish. He's being unfaithful to either of you. He's already being unfaithful to his wife. What makes you think he wouldn't do the same to you? You are a jewel, do not let yourself be put down like this. You truly deserve someone better. Please think it over. You know how to reach me should you need a listening ear. Take care,
Liz* (*(*(*Hugs*)*)*)