Thursday, March 01, 2007
:: Karma-ic Day ::
Okui simply loves to use the term
karma on us. He's always going karma this and karma that, and especially when he couldn't win a say in the situation - well, playfully, of course
Karma simply means what goes around comes around and how you treat another person is how you will be treated back eventually. It's like one good deed deserves another and vice versa thingy.
I had lunch with
Shay and Okui yesterday at one of cafes serving Taiwanese-style food. I was the first to arrive. The place is usually packed at lunch hour. Aha
! As soon as I went in, I spotted a vacant round table. As soon as I got myself seated, the waitress came over with the menu. Even before I browsed through the menu, I've already had in mind what to order. As soon as the waitress finished taking down my orders, Shay and Okui arrived - just in time for the waitress to continue taking orders. It sure saved her another trip to come over to our table again from the counter right at the end

Anyway, my attention was shifted when I suddenly saw a familiar face who was looking back at me as I was looking at the surrounding tables. It took me a while to *snap away* as I tried to recall who this person is. A long time friend. My ex. It's been ages since we last saw each other, let alone under the same roof. It's been almost half a decade since we last saw each other. We smiled and gestured a
"Hi!". Okui and Shay had never saw him, and as I was thinking of how to gesture Shay about who I had just saw right across the table on the other side, she nudged me and showed me her mobile phone with the text - "is tat your x?"

She has such photographic memory-lar. She'd only seen his photo once and she remembered
! Well, not sure exactly how to actually tell Okui as this felt more like a ladies' thing... not until when my ex walked past our table as he was about to leave the cafe. He gestured a
"Bye!" and I waved back. That's when Okui asked and I told him who was this friend of mine who had just walked past behind him. Afer the short episode, I thought to myself -
"I've always imagined bumping into him when we're both old and having our families around.." Perhaps seeing me in such
"deep thought", Shay whispered to me -
"eh, don't worry la. I haven't bumped into my ex too..". "Karma" was my response to her

And with this, kickstarts to further Q & A of our ex(Es).
Okui asked Shay about her ex - the one whom she went to prom with donkey years ago. He asked if she was still in contact with him, what he's doing now, and stuff like that. Shay explained that she hasn't been in touch with him, hasn't seen him for a long, long time and had a vague recollection that he did mention on becoming a doctor. The second she mentioned the word "doctor", she realized a pair of eyes from the opposite table straight ahead fixing on her.
! It's HIM
! Her ex
! The doctor
! Long life
!! LoL
!! Oh Gosh
! The 3 of us could hardly hold back laughing

Goodness, I tried holding back soOo very hard. It's going to look like we're rude or something. I hope that he would't think of us in any negative ways after this hilarious encounter.. hehehe
! Well, how else should we react to such interesting once in a blue moon incident? It's hilariously unforgivable not to be able to let out laughs
! Hehehe.. sorry though to... erm, I didn't get his name

Seriously, what are the odds that both of us bumped into our ex at the same time, at same place of whom we have not seen for donkey years?
Okay, I'll say no more and here's a little something to end this entry:-
Shay relating the funny little incident herself
:+: click here :+:Enjoy
! Labels: Out of the Ordinary, Snippets of Life
>>> see related entry <<<
posted by therese ::
10:38 AM ::