Sunday, April 01, 2007
:: Happy April Fool's Day ::
April is here. Today is also
Palm Sunday, the last week of the season of
Lent. Went to mass at 6:30AM with
Shay as both of us did not manage to go to mass yesterday. Well, nothing interesting happened on April Fool's Day. Everybody was too occupied with their own life, no time to mess around with others. Hehe..

Well, 2 years ago today I attained my degree in Singapore. How time flies!~
A good friend of mine, Shirley gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on March 12th at 1320 hours. I paid a visit to the new proud parents and baby Ann Dolly Carlo when she's just a week old. Mummy Shirley and baby Ann is doing great
! And daddy Matthew can't stop smiling from ear to ear *grin*
Labels: Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
11:43 PM ::