Wednesday, April 04, 2007
:: PMS Blues ::
Quoted from
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) (also called Premenstrual Stress or Premenstrual Tension) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle."
Sometime ago, a good friend and I were yakking and the subject of PMS was brought up. That's
the season when the guys will need to be
extra understanding and cautious of what comes out of their mouth especially when the intended recipients are their beloved significant other.

Yes, the female species are extremely sensitive at this period of time. We will not so be on our usual self at this time around. Push the wrong button, and you're in for a
surprise! It's not like we have a choice, yes... blame it on the hormones
Well, back to my friend. She confided her frustrations over her argument with her beau to
Y -- the girlfriend of a colleague of hers. Upon listening to her,
Y asked my friend if she's having her
menstruation at the time. My friend replied, "No, but it should've been about this time." Hearing that,
Y responded, "Aha
! Confirm PMS

I couldn't help but laughed with her at the episode. Well, you see, sometimes we will
unconsciously pick up fights or arguments easily at
this time 
So guys, please bear with us ~>.<~
Okui even thought that
Menopause means menstruation until he was told the truth.

I said, "What
?!?! All this time you thought that what we had is called MENOPAUSE

Anyway, I got this from email sometime ago. Useful for the guys. Ladies, would you like to add anything to it?

The Hormone Hostage knows that there are days in the month when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his own hands
! This is a handy guide that should be as common as a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other
!13 Things PMS Stands For:-
[01] Pass My Shotgun
[02] Psychotic Mood Shift
[03] Perpetual Munching Spree
[04] Puffy Mid-Section
[05] People Make me Sick
[06] Provide Me with Sweets
[07] Pardon My Sobbing
[08] Pimples May Surface
[09] Pass My Sweat pants
[10] Pissy Mood Syndrome
[11] Plainly; Men Suck
[12] Pack My Stuff
[13] Potential Murder Suspect

Labels: Food for Thought, Snippets of Life
posted by therese ::
4:39 PM ::